Property insights
Local trends
Recommended pricing
Real-time reporting

Fill vacancies faster with competitive rent pricing
Are you pricing too low? Or maybe too high?
Get insights into listings similar to yours, understand local market rental rates, and adjust your pricing.
Start trialThe data you need for your real estate decisions
We have partnered with RentRange to provide you with the most valuable data about your property including:
Property-specific vacancy rate estimates
Comparable for-rent properties and historical rent trends
Rental saturation benchmarks in the area
Gross yield data by zip code and rental trends
Adjust the rent rates
The Rentability Report is based from similar properties in your area, so you’ll get an accurate understanding of the market including vacancy rates, real estate trends, and market saturation.
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Why do you need a Rentability Report?
Setting the right price for your property is an essential part of making sure that you fill your vacancies quickly and turn a profit.
You’ll know whether you can lower the price because of longer vacancy rate or raise it due to high demand in your area.
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What rentals are eligible
You can request a Rentability report for any type of property you have: an apartment, single family home, condo, townhouse, etc.c
Only $19.95 per report.
To see a sample report, click here.
Set the new rent prices now
Add a property to your TenantCloud account and request your custom report.
Pricing & Plans
- Enhanced Reporting
- Move In/Out Inspections
- Property Message Board
- Team Management & Tools
- Task Management
- User-Interface Customization
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