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Measuring Cooling Time in Welding and Metal Additive Manufacturing

Cooling Time in Welding and Additive Manufacturing (AM) 

Understanding and controlling cooling time is critical in both traditional welding and Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM).

Metrics like t8/5 and t12-8 cooling times are pivotal for achieving desired material properties, but their implications differ significantly between these two processes.

Why Cooling Time Matters

In traditional welding, cooling rates directly impact microstructure, affecting grain size, phase formation, and the overall mechanical properties of a weld. Similarly, in Metal AM—particularly in wire-based processes—cooling time plays an essential role in ensuring consistent and predictable material properties.

Explore the Whitepaper

Our comprehensive whitepaper dives deeper into the critical role of cooling time in welding and additive manufacturing. Learn how our innovative tool is set to transform industry practices by enabling accurate cooling time measurement and analysis.

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Cooling Time in Metal AM

Metal AM involves building parts layer by layer, and controlling cooling rates is crucial for:

  • Achieving uniform mechanical properties throughout the build.

  • Avoiding defects caused by uneven cooling.

Cooling time measurement applies to both wire-based and powder-based processes, including:

  • Wire-Based Processes: GMAW-based WAAM, Plasma-Arc-based WAAM, Wire Laser AM (WLAM), Wire-based Electron Beam AM.

  • Powder-Based Processes: Laser DED, Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Electron Beam AM.

For wire-based methods like WAAM and WLAM, cooling time measurement is particularly critical. Due to the layer-by-layer nature of these processes, cooling rates can vary significantly within a single build, making accurate monitoring essential.