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52 top data news articles from 2016


One for every week of the year. 

We bring you a comprehensive list of our most popular articles from a year of reporting on big data, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and much more besides.


Predicting With Confidence: The Best Machine Learning Idea You Never Heard Of

21 Reasons Why You Should NOT Become a Data Scientist

How We Knew It Was Time to Leave the Cloud

How Python Makes Working With Data More Difficult in the Long Run

Practical Advice for Analysis of Large, Complex Data Sets

What is Blockchain Technology? A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners

Nightmare Machine: Horror Imagery Generated by Artificial Intelligence

Why Are We Determined to Deny That Things Are Getting Better?

A Technical Follow-Up: How We Built the World’s Prettiest Auto-Generated Transit Maps

The Commoditization of Deep Learning

The Simpsons by the Data

Which Tool Should I Use?

We Gave Four Good Pollsters the Same Raw Data. They Had Four Different Results.

Machine Learning in a Year: From being a Total ML Noob to Start Using it at Work

New Research — We’re In the Middle of a Data Engineering Talent Shortage

What Is A Data Scientist And Should We Instead Be Talking About Data Teams?

The iBrain is Here And it’s Already Inside Your Phone

Machine Learning Meets Ketosis: How to Effectively Lose Weight

From Small to Big Data, Adopting the Advanced Analytics Mindset

Samples: Discover Data Projects Developed Thanks to Dataiku DSS!

Does Sentiment Analysis Work? A Tidy Analysis of Yelp Reviews

Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem

Machine Learning is Fun!

The 7 Fundamental Steps to Complete a Data Project

How We Made “Make it Stop”

How Britain Voted in the EU Referendum

Scala is the New Golden Child

How We Built Our Model

What is the Difference Between Business Intelligence and Data Science?

OkCupid Study Reveals the Perils of Big-Data Science

Blocks Graph

Survey: Why Companies Still Fail to Get Full Value From Big Data

The Solitude of the Data Team Manager, by Florian Douetteau - Dataiku’s CEO

Explore the Panama Papers Key Figures

Obsession with Regression

How Real Businesses are Using Machine Learning

Lee Sedol Defeats AlphaGo in Masterful Comeback – Game 4

Banana Data News

Datamining the Next Series to Watch

SQL, R, and Python: Why Data Wrangling in ONLY Code is Inefficient

Training a Recurrent Neural Network to Compose Music

Modern Data Science: Monogamy or Ménage à Trois?

Data Reveals the True Nature of Peer-Reviewed Journals

Telling Stories with Data Visualisation by Matt Daniels From Polygraph

Today’s Hero Made an AI That Annoys Telemarketers For As Long As Possible

Spurious Correlations: 15 Examples

25 Best Jobs in America

America’s Most Prolific Wall Punchers, Charted

Machine Learning is Fun!

The Next decade of Data Science

This AI Algorithms Learns Simple Tasks as Fast as We Do

What Algorithms Want

banana data news big data big data news data science machine learning deep learning algorithms artificial intelligence business intelligence